Morning Routine

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One of the things I love most about being self-employed is not having to get up a certain time everyday to go to a workplace. While I enjoy structure, I love being able to create my own rather than fitting into someone else's daily plan.

I've found that having a routine in the morning helps set my day up so that things flow smoothly, I feel more grounded and life is a little easier. On days when the routine feels heavy, I simply skip it and come back to it when it feels light again; I want my routine to feel joyful rather than burdensome. From time to time I change it up, depending on what resonates at that moment, but generally it involves a little meditation and maybe some writing.

At the moment, I start my day like this:

  1. Wake up
  2. Write in my 5 Minute Journal (sitting up, but still in bed). This little book has been an easy life-changer with very minimal effort.
  3. Essential Oil Meditation (still in bed, I add one or two drops of essential oil into my hands and breathe in deeply for about 5-10 mins, until I've had enough. At the moment, my favourites are the doTERRA respiratory blend and doTERRA Frankincense mixed together)
  4. A bit of yoga, Pilates or cardio - I either do self practice yoga or Pilates, or a video on the PopSugar Fitness app - most are only 15-20 minutes but they really get you moving.
  5. A good playlist or podcast while I shower and make a healthy breakfast (my favourites are smoothies and porridge).

And then I'm ready to go!

Once I've done those 5 things, I feel set for the day. I even do this on days when I have to get up early to teach, as I can adapt most of the activities (maybe I skip the podcast on these days) to a shorter period of time.


I'd love to hear how you start your day, and if you have any routines that really set you up for what lies ahead. Let me know in the comments, or on Instagram (@laurenewilkie) or Facebook (Lauren Wilkie Yoga and Pilates).

Photo by Paula Sanderson Photography