New Year Ritual
Each year, with the onset of Christmas and the end of year fast approaching, I feel the urge to reflect, reset and contemplate on what lies ahead. Sometimes I do this formally, taking a couple of days to think and write and ponder - other times it's more intuitive, the planning and reflecting taking place in my head. On New Year's Eve, after the festivities and indulgences of Christmas, I usually spend a quiet night at home, chilling and reflecting. Over the years I’ve developed a little ritual that leaves me feeling grounded but excited for the upcoming year and a fresh start. It doesn't take long, but allows for some reflection, some planning and a release so that the year starts new. Here's what we do...
Take two pieces of paper and on the first page:
Write five things from the past year for which you are grateful.
Write three things from the past year which you'd like to let go.
Write three things that went well
Write three things that you would do differently (and how that might look)
On the second page:
Write three things for the upcoming year that you'd like to see, do or accomplish.
Write three things for the upcoming year that you'd like to feel or be.
Write three things for the upcoming year that you'd like to stop doing or finish.
Take a few moments to think about how the choices you will make in the next year can align with these intentions.
Take the first page and set it (responsibly) on fire, honoring the gifts you received and the lessons you learned. Let that shit go.
Take the second page and place it somewhere you will see it often (bathroom or kitchen are often good choices); revisit a few times throughout the year as needed to revise or update. Keeping it close will remind you of what you want for the year when faced with difficult choices or when you get off track, but also how much you can change in a short amount of time.
I wish for everyone, a peaceful and happy holiday season, and a fantastic 2017. See you in the new year!