Self-Practice Yoga Playlist - September 2016
PlaylistsLauren Wilkiehome practice, inspiration, music inspiration, playlist, self-practice, september, vinyasa flow, yoga, yoga music, yoga playlist, yogaflow
Being is the New Doing
UncategorizedLauren Wilkieappreciation, awareness, being, endless cycle, joy, linger, love, meditation, potential, practice, sacred space, space, stillness, taking time, yoga
The Busy-ness Affliction
UncategorizedLauren Wilkiebusy, busy-ness, ease, feelings, focus, free time, less but better, meditation, minimalism, spacious, start, the pursuit of less, yoga
A Poem for New Beginnings
UncategorizedLauren Wilkiebeginnings, giving, heart, mantra, meditation, mind, next step, open, poem, receiving, unknown, yoga
The Beginning