Breaking the Bubble aka What I learned by Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone
UncategorizedLauren Wilkiecomfort zone, contentment, easy buttons, feelings, health, impermanence, learning, love, mental health, mind, peace, space, tools, travel, wellness
Yoga for Travellers
VideosLauren Wilkieenergy, fitness, health, hips, mental health, power, spine, stress, tools, travel, workout, yoga
Digital Detox
UncategorizedLauren Wilkieconfidence, detox, energy, focus, free time, gratitude, health, healthy, heart, holiday, joy, love, meditation, mental health, mind, open, peace, space, spiritual, time, tools, travel, yoga
March Music Inspo
Reading List
UncategorizedLauren Wilkiebooks, feelings, health, holiday, ideas, inspiration, mind, reading, reading list, travel